Reflections of God's Love

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In all things, God works. Even during the darkest times of our life, God continues to work God’s purposes out.

I’ve been through some pretty dark times in my life – a long history of depression, a survivor of sexual abuse, a month in a psychiatric hospital. Life can be tough! And when we or those we love are in the midst of suffering, we often wonder where God is in all this. We wonder how God can allow these bad things. And how God can make anything good come out of the bad.

In Romans 8:28, Paul assures us that in all things, God works for our good. But this verse, so thrown around, can feel like an assault, rather than a beacon of hope, when we are in the midst of suffering. When suffering is really…

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About isrealgodwin

Am Isreal Godwin,Am a young guy that makes friend with people of creativity,good characters&behaviours and with moral skills.Am a friendly guy interested with the thing of God and by his grace it shall be well with me and my friends and love ones.

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